Yoga on a plane

Can you do yoga on an plane ?
Yes ! There are a number of yoga inspired movements that can be done whilst sitting in your plane seat which will help keep you active while on the plane.
Long haul flights in particular, it is beneficial for your health to get some exercise whilst on your journey
We recently teamed up with Body Soul Yoga (www.bodysoulyoga) to create a unique inflight airplane yoga exercise routine.
The exercise program has been designed for people of all ages. The exercises are chair based and can be done while sitting on the plane. They can be done irrespective of whether you have practiced yoga or not. These exercises are designed to help alleviate stiffness and help to reduce the risk of blood clots in the leg, which can form after long periods of inactivity.
The program is just over 30 minutes long. It consists of some simple exercises that can all be done while sitting, and later a relaxation to finish.
The exercises start at the feet, and work upwards; ensuring that the whole body receives a workout; which will help to stimulate blood flow around the body. The exercises include, rotations and movements of the joints including ankles, knees, hips, spine, neck, shoulders and wrists. The calves, hamstrings, quads, glutes, back, waist, chest, arms, shoulders, and neck will all be stimulated. The movements will help aid the circulation of blood and oxygen around the body; and ease stiffness.
The video finishes with a short, guided relaxation to bring your ‘yoga class’ to an end; and to ease you into a relaxing flight.
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