Construction and property videos

Everyone knows that drones have the potential to revolutionise the workflow in construction. As well as the myriad of hi-tech solutions that aerial filming can provide, video content is often the best communication tool internally and externally to get your message across. It can help prospective buyers get an overview of a site or imagine the view from higher floors that are yet to be built. It can show off a finished building or it can help to provide information on snagging issues or cleaning and maintenance issues.
Here are a few examples from the 360TV team of videos they have made…
It could be used to allow senior management to look at a potential new site from wherever they are in the world (it can even be done in real time if necessary )
Once construction is completed and you want to do the promotion and marketing, then visuals combined with on screen information and contact details, can say it all……
It might be to explain your services and why property owners and managers value the services you provide. A video testimonial is a far more powerful tool than a written one…
Video can help to provide information on snagging issues or the state of the roof and whether that needs any cleaning or maintenance
Drones can provide the view from specific elevations and orientations so that it is easy to get an understanding of what the view would be like from the 4th floor of the building when it is completed..